investir / les meilleures localisations par le World Economic Forum
Le rapport 2012 du World Economic Forum met en exergue la faiblesse des Etats-Unis ainsi que la division entre une Europe du Nord qui progresse et une Europe du Sud qui paie le prix de ses faiblesses
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France is ranked 21st, down three places from last year on the back of falling confidence in public and private institutions (down four places) and the financial sector (down 13 places in trustworthiness). On a positive note, the country’s infrastructure is among the best in the world (4th), with outstanding transport links, energy infrastructure, and communications. The health of the workforce and the quality and quantity of education are other strengths (ranked 21st for health and primary education and 27th for higher education and training). These elements have provided the basis for a business sector that is aggressive in adopting new technologies for productivity enhancements (France is ranked 14th for technological readiness). In addition, the sophistication of the country’s business culture (21st in the business sophistication pillar) and its good position in innovation (17th in the innovation pillar, particularly in certain science-based sectors), bolstered by a well-developed financial market (27th) and a large market more generally (8th), are important attributes that help to boost the country’s growth potential. On the other hand, France’s competitiveness would be enhanced by injecting more flexibility into its labor market, which is ranked a low 111th both because of the strict rules on firing and hiring and the rather conflict-ridden labor-employer relations in the country. The tax regime in the country is also perceived as highly distortive to business decisions
, la Suisse reste, pour la quatrième année consécutive, championne mondiale en matière de compétitivité. La crise de la zone euro peut influencer le taux de croissance de la Suisse, mais n’affectera pas, à terme, sa compétitivité. Par conséquent Grâce à ses fondamentaux, solides et durables, son économie a rebondi après la première crise de 2007-2008 alors que la zone euro a replongé dans la récession.» Tels sont les premiers commentaires de Thierry Geiger, l’un des auteurs du Rapport mondial sur la compétitivité, document annuel phare du World Economic Forum (WEF).
Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 -
Jennifer Blanke (English)
Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013
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